
A mostrar mensagens de 2017

BlendKit2017 Reading Reaction: Chapter 05

Quality Assurance in Blended Learning Maybe I woke up in a bad mood, maybe I am pressed by the time to turn in my reaction to chapter 5 (less than 16h to BlendKit2017 to close), I feel this chapter is written thru a negative lens. I would have preferred to start by the end: it is possible and desirable to setup standards, but as everything else there are caveats and weaknesses. I believe that first and foremost, e-learning, b-learning, "x-learning", it's all about... learning. Pedagogy, theory in action, build on top of a relationship with students, that's what's really important. Among so many things that influence the teaching-learning process, like the medium thru which you interact, it is the teacher who is the most important factor in determine the quality of learning. And for that we have standards.

BlendKit2017 Reading Reaction: Chapter 04

How and when will I introduce and collect student work? I teach music for many years now and I always divided the music curriculum in Units. Each Unit is built around a central musical work giving unity to the... Unit. All my Units include three musical activities CAP Composing, Appraising, and Performing, and two supporting activities of SL Skills and Literature. This CLASP model gives uniformity to curriculum organization, giving consistency to all the Units, and thus facilitating learning as students know exactly what to expect and when. Musical activities are assessed thru rubrics that I show and explain when starting each musical activity and are used as formative assessment prior to the final Performance as summative assessment. OK, this is me as a Music teacher. Do I replicate the model when teaching Didactics of Music?  Well, Chapter 4 show me the answer: NO. Things are much clear now. No matter what the delivery method, face-to-face or online, the focus has alwa...

BlendKit2017 Reading Reaction: Chapter 03

How will I determine students are learning? My first answer was “easy, same ol same ol”: in my f2f courses I use (1) group projects to be developed outside the classroom, (2) individual critical reviews to be written also outside the classroom, and (3) written tests performed in class. So when replacing the f2f to b-learning I thought it would be enough to move the above assignments 1 and 2 to the online realm, and keep the third in the f2f portion of the course. Well, this might work in a class of 10, possibly in a class of 30, but now I realize that it is undoable in a class of 100 — here I am struggling with the numbers... again :) So I really need to change my assessment strategy if I want to have more than 30 students enrolled. And I do want. Then Chapter 3 came to rescue me. I believe I can keep the same mix of out and inside classroom, that is to say, on- and off-line, but I have to 1) introduce auto-scored quizzes focused on HOTS with the recommended countermeasures — ra...

BlendKit2017 Reading Reaction: Chapter 02

Questions to ponder Chapter 2 did not allowed me to grasp the role of interaction in  courses in which the empha sis is on declarative knowledge or in courses that cultivate procedural knowledge. I really failed to get it. On the other hand, I believe that I got a little bit further in the other two questions: what kind of interactions at f2f and online, and what factors might limit f2f and online interactions. Two fundamentals: We Humans have more ideas than the words we can speak. We also speak more words than we can write. Communication between Humans is as verbal as non-verbal — body talks :) So, with these fundamentals in mind, we must design f2f activities (addresses fundamental 2) where students can speak freely, without any kind of recording (written or audio) (addresses fundamental 1). An activity like brainstorming will be a good bet to star a topic. Of course we need to write things down (needed for formative and summative assessment), so we can bl...

BlendKit2017 Reading Reaction: Chapter 01

Reaction the Two Case studies Case Study 1: 14 teachers 250 students Reaction: Is blended learning only about big numbers? Can it be successful with just 1 teacher and 30 students? ----------------- Case Study 2: met for three hours per week was assumed that students would work an additional three hours independently Reaction: I thought blended learning was about reducing in class meting time, but in this case study b-learning and face-to-face are 50-50. Can we design a successful with 85% of b-learning and 15% of f2f?